Every team must have a talisman?
This is not something I realised until I watched the Socceroos play Iraq the other night. Like everybody else, I enjoyed the contrasting emotions displayed by Tim Cahill towards his coach, Holger Osieck when he was taken of the field with 15 minutes to play (grumpy) when compared with the immediate aftermath of the victory (embarassing, overjoyed, contrite man-hug territory).
The next day The Age, reviewing the match, referred to Cahill as the 'team talisman'.
What the?
Here's the definition I found:
tal·is·man (t
n. pl. tal·is·mans
1. An object marked with magic signs and believed to confer on its bearer supernatural powers or protection.
2. Something that apparently has magic power.
So, Boffins, the obvious question is - do we have a Talisman?
I'm building an argument here that our talisman is Dan.
The criticism has been leveled at me that my last post suggested Dan contributes to our team chiefly as an object of considerable mass and girth that moves relentlessly towards its destination.
The criticism has been leveled at me that my last post suggested Dan contributes to our team chiefly as an object of considerable mass and girth that moves relentlessly towards its destination.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Nothing was said in the previous blog post that had not previously been given a test-run on the side of the pitch. So choke on your self-righteous indignation you false defenders of the Dan.
Here's the truth about Boffin Dan:
Dan is a sportsman
whose hands
or feet
generally meet the ball
as planned.
Were Dan an ordinary
unskilled man
he'd still be
on the couch
only a fan.
Oh, he does that too. Too much. But he's a player first and foremost.
Each season
excites the fans
as fitness level
to approximate his skills
and then
the season ends.
But, is the Dan
the Talisman?
The TalisDan?
He's marked, I'm told
with magic signs.
Discretely, unlike Tim
He'll show you.
If you ask.
His presence and demeanour
Keep the Boffins clean.
Dan is the keeper - not the goalkeeper
you idiots -
but the keeper of
the Boffin Dream.
For Dan
sport's not the end
simply the means...
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